Houses in the "Lungau"

Hauserlstadel / Hauserl Baern

Mauterndorf / Fanningberg, 1442

The Hauserl barn is the oldest building in the Museum (1442). The barn, consisting of a stable on the ground floor and lofts in the upper level, is built as a block construction.  The roof truss indicates the date 1751. In this year, the upper level was extended further out from the original ground level and the roof was renovated.  The old stable compartments were made for two cows where each one could move around freely.



Göriach / Hintergöriach, 1566

The Neumann farmhouse, in its present size, originates from 1566. The labourers’ room on the upper floor can be dated to 1452 by means of a dendrochronological (estimation of the age of a tree by examining the rings of a tree) examination.  It might have originally come from another foundation structure or building.  


Semel-Kasten / Semel Granary

Lessach / Zoitzach, 18th century

This two-storey granary, with its dove-tail corner connecting the log walls, is a remarkable example of the art of carpentry.


Grainmeisteralm / Grainmeister Lower Mountain Chalet

Weißpriach / Znachtal, 1820

The mountain meadows, where the livestock spent the summer months, were economically important as they allowed the valley pastures to be used for the production of hay for the winter months.  The Grainmeister mountain meadow represents a so-called "lower meadow".  The livestock were driven up in June and in mid-summer they were moved up to the higher-situated “upper meadow”. They were then brought back to the lower meadow for the months of September and October.


Abrahamhof / Abraham Farm

St. Michael im Lungau / Unterweißburg, 18th and 19th century

Abraham is a particularly wide single-building with a steep slanted roof, typical of the Lungau area. The earliest dating goes back to 1702.  Further datings indicate frequent renovations, enlargements and improvements and the last of these in 1910.  Pease don’t forget to visit the exhibition on the upper-floor.


Liesermühle / Lieser Mill

Zederhaus / Lamm, 1847

Up until the 19th century, the farmer stayed in a small room in the mill and regulated the water supply. The Lieser farmer operated the mill up until the 1960’s.


Anthofer-Getreidekasten / Anthofer Granary Barn

St. Michael im Lungau / Oberweißburg, 1687

From the 16th century onwards stone constructions replaced the wooden granary barns in the region of Lungau. We suppose that migrant bricklayers from Northern Italy constructed them, as they were moving along the Tauern roads, heading for the big construction sites of the archbishops of Salzburg. These tower-like stone stores, decorated with earth-colour paintings in fresco-technique, are typical for the Lungau housing landscape. The art of ornamentation reached its peak in the 17th and 18th century.  


Ötzschlaghütte / Ötzschlag Cabin

Tamsweg / Penk, 1928

In 1928 the Ötzschlag Cabin was constructed by a “peasant carpenter” following an order by the Austrian Federal Forestry Office. It was used by the official gamekeeper until the mid-90`s. The cabin was furnished quite simply with a small stove, a table, a cupboard and a few wooden shelves. The small loft was reached by way of the gable facing the mountain side and had room for two plank beds with straw mattresses.


Rainerkeusche / Rainer Hut

Ramingstein / Winkl, 1482

The “Rainerkeusche” is the oldest residential building in the Salzburg Open-Air Museum. The building was deconstructed in 2017/18 and reconstructed in the museum. An interdisciplinary project researched and documented the history of the late medieval house. The results can be read in a thematically wide-ranging publication.



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